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Students entering a doctoral program most often bring with them years of formal education experience. 偶尔, that experience equates to transfer credits that can reduce the number of classes students need to take to earn a doctoral 学位. 

博士学位通常需要四到六年才能完成. 然而, 这个时间取决于程序设计, 研究科目范围, 提供该课程的机构, 以及是否接受转学分. Transfer credits can shave off significant time and financial investment in a doctorate program, 但有些学生并不知道这个可行的选择.

原因各不相同, but most often it’s because students aren’t aware that they are able to transfer credit or universities don’t work with students to make sure they get credit where credit is due. That’s why it’s important for students to not only choose a program that will help them reach their educational goals but will also help them earn their 学位 quicker and potentially spend less money. 


博士学位享有盛誉是有原因的:它们很罕见,而且很难获得. In the United States, only 2% of the population has a doctorate, and according to a study by 研究生院委员会 在Ph值.D. 完成和消耗, the completion rate 10 years after students begin their doctoral program remains low at 56.6%. 但是转学分可以帮助更多的博士生把他们的梦想变成现实. 

莎拉伯, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行研究生和博士招生副主任, 说转移学分的价值不能被夸大. “Students need to make sure they get a good return on investment in terms of time and money. The more transfer credits they can bring in results in a shorter amount of time they’ll be a student and less money they will have to pay.” 

Students earning bachelor’s and even master’s 学位s often supplement expenses with scholarships and grants. 然而, 博士生很少有这样的机会, 这就更需要寻找不同的方法来降低成本. 转移学分是一个可行的选择. 

So let’s look at the credits that might transfer into a doctoral program and the factors universities consider when deciding if credits are transferable.


每个专业都有自己的接受转学分的标准, 博士课程的规定可能特别严格, 但有充分的理由. Courses are designed to reflect the necessary intellectual requirements to achieve the highest level of education. 

但所有规则都有例外. 以下是一些经常被接受的转移学分: 

如果你攻读博士学位,但没有完成学业, 你的学分可能有资格转移到另一个机构.
假设学生获得了超过32个学分, they can sometimes use previously earned master’s-level credits to satisfy elective requirements for a doctorate. 

一些许可证, 包括监督执照, 最多可以修满15个Ed所需学分.D. 学位. 

毫无疑问, transfer credits are worth exploring and should play an important role in deciding where to earn a doctorate. 但并不是所有的课程都以同样的方式申请学分,所以问问题很重要.

“很多项目不允许任何转学学分, and only a few programs provide resources to help students identify earned credits and work experiences that apply,伯里斯说. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行现在允许硕士水平的学分作为选修课, 有时十大正规赌博平台大全排行会批准课程对课程的转学. 所以十大正规赌博平台大全排行在转会费方面非常慷慨.”


Accelerate your completion time and lower your total tuition cost 在每个学术水平上. 下载这个免费指南的提示,最大限度地提高你的转移学分.



Students seeking transfer credits for a doctoral program will need to provide ample proof that what they learned in a previous program is almost equal to course requirements in a doctoral program. 虽然这听起来令人生畏, it helps to preserve the integrity of a doctorate— benefiting students and universities alike. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行是一个转学友好的机构, 帮助学生更快地获得学位(甚至博士学位)并节省资金. Nearly half of Franklin doctoral students take advantage of the school’s generous transfer credit policy. Franklin’s transfer-friendly process makes it seamless for students to get credit for what they already know. Some students discover they can transfer up to 24 previously earned credit hours to their doctorate.

“Prepare to provide documentation such as a syllabus and all official transcripts,伯里斯说. “十大正规赌博平台大全排行审查了所有材料,以获得公平且与他们所采取的措施相当的奖励. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行想提供尽可能多的转帐额度. Just because you have taken doctoral-level courses doesn’t mean it’s an automatic transfer into our program.” 


选择攻读博士学位在很多方面都是一项重大的承诺:就个人而言, 专业和财务. It’s appealing to students — many of whom are working professionals — to seek programs that fast-track success. 但实现这一目标有正确的方式和错误的方式. Fast-tracking is only beneficial when it doesn’t take away from the educational experience. 

这就是为什么学分转换如此吸引人. 它可以让学生在不牺牲教育质量的情况下取得成功. But first, students need to find a program that can place them on the right path from the start. 在探索博士课程时, don’t forget to inquire about features and benefits offered by the university that prevent common pitfalls that impact student success.


在这个教育水平上, programs should offer ample support that goes beyond the classroom to help students achieve their goals.

  • 教练: 1:1 support provides the best ongoing guidance, particularly when you’re assigned a faculty advisor.  
  • 社区: 从你的学术顾问和指导老师到你的同龄人.
  • 资源: 要成为一名成功的学生,支持是至关重要的. Ensure the program provides access to research assistants, editors, advisors and technology tools.
  • 论文的援助: Coursework should assist with the dissertation process, making it less daunting and time-consuming.

“当人们对自己走在正确的道路上感到不自信时, 他们没有完成学位就辍学了. Franklin has created support programs because we want everyone to be successful and for our students to evolve and be impactful leaders,伯里斯说. ”也, 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行教书的人不仅有博士学位, 还要有专业经验和宝贵的人脉. 这真的是一个独特的项目,有很多支持,人们希望你成功.”


不是所有的博士课程都接受学分转换,所以 选择合适的课程 获得最佳开局的关键是什么. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s start-to-finish program lets you earn your highest professional credentials sometimes in just three years—including your dissertation. 

“I can’t tell you how many heartbreaking stories I hear from transfer students who complete their coursework, 投入大量的时间和金钱, 也没有为综合考试和论文做好准备.伯里斯说. “We provide a faculty advisor from the first day a student is in classes who takes the student from beginning to end to ensure they’re on track for their dissertation. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行要确保当一个学生开始, 他们会成功的完成这个项目.”

探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行的 博士课程 看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行如何帮助你实现你的教育目标.

了解你需要知道的五件事, 在每个学术水平上, to make the most of your transfer credit – including credits from technical/community college and military training.